Cecil Kilpin | August 2017 Newsletter

By |2022-01-21T11:12:08+02:00August 3rd, 2017|Business, Finance + Economics, Newsletter, Tax|

SARS PUBLISHES DRAFT TAX AMENDMENT BILLS National Treasury and SARS have published, for public comment, various tax amendment bills. Together with the 2017 Draft Rates, Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenues Laws Bill published on 22 February 2017, these three draft Bills give effect to the tax proposals announced in the Budget Review. The two [...]

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Cecil Kilpin | May 2016 Newsletter

By |2022-01-21T12:26:58+02:00April 28th, 2016|Newsletter|

SARS Collections Exceed R1 Trillion: For the first time in the history of South Africa, tax collections have exceeded one trillion rand.In spite of difficult economic conditions, The South African Revenue Services (SARS) recently announced that it had met its tax collection target, collecting a record R1.0699 trillion in taxes in 2015. This was mainly [...]

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